Friday, April 12, 2013

Fred- I sent this to the United Nations Today. Did YOU Know that Carlos Ghosn is Connected to Operation Condor and Iran Contra?

Email Sent to Sharyn About Obama's Budget Plan Linked to Dark Operators.  I'm sure you all know that Tim Geithner Worked for Henry Kissinger/Nixon's former Secretary of State Who Leads the Shadow CIA that Was Formed AFTER Jimmy Carter Filed so Many Nixon Era CIA in the Late 70's.  This email is my way of asking the world to insist on a HEALTHY society....  The rogue post WW2 profiteers need to be told STOP. 

 This is a GLOBAL issue.   Please see email that was sent to me this morning prior to reading .....

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Obama ***** EV "initiative"
Date: April 12, 2013 6:22:55 AM CDT
To: Sharyn Bovat <>

I think you need to investigate this
Obama is almost certainly "hobbled" by some very dark operators, pushing the EV boondoggle

From 'Detroit News'

Washington — President Barack Obama proposed a big boost in vehicle research funding in his 2014 budget proposal that he delivered to Congress on Wednesday. He also called for more money for high-speed rail, cellulosic ethanol and boosting manufacturing.

Obama wants to hike the Energy Department's vehicle research budget by 75 percent to $575 million and create a $2 billion trust fund to fund more research into getting the country off foreign oil over the next 10 years.

"We'll continue our march towards energy independence," Obama said in unveiling his budget.

A key part of the budget is a broad proposal to help jumpstart lagging electric vehicle sales.

The White House "EV Everywhere initiative" "is a targeted effort to make electric-powered vehicles as affordable and convenient as gasoline-powered vehicles for the average American family within a decade," the budget said.

US oil and gas production is growing fast; energy demand is stagnant or declining; world oil prices are falling; gas and coal prices are low or very low THERE IS NO PROBLEM


To walk or move along haltingly or with difficulty; limp.
1. To put a device around the legs of (a horse, for example) so as to hamper but not prevent movement.

It's the opinion of some (not linked to the above email) believe there's a Shadow CIA led by Henry Kissinger & it's alleged that a rogue small group of ex heads of state and business leaders are the "Dark Operators" that have been referred to in the email that was sent to me this morning.  The person that sent it is a well respected EU Analyst.  That person predicated the EV scam years ago.  

The person that wrote the email has previously come "out" in support of me and my blogging in the past. He once worked for a Prince of Qatar.  He knows "what" I blog about is real.  People in the Middle East who funded promoted the EV want NISSAN to make a car with "outdated" technology. They wanted Americans to waste money on charges that would not be used.  People in the Middle East want America and the UK dependent on their OIL.  Carlos Ghosn is from the Middle East and he harms society. 

Previously I have called some business & political leaders  "Lockerbie Profiteers" which is now a generic term for those in the "club" that was created after Jimmy Carter fired so many CIA and some people call it the Shadow CIA.  The people connected to Henry Kissinger are "good people".... a few of them are in my family. They worked in conjunction with the CIA/DOD. Evidently some of the stuff done was NOT legal.  i have no knowledge of that stuff.  What appears to have happened is the NeoCons (hawks) have some weeds & those that have abused humanity need to be "pulled off the roster."

Back in the mid late 70's many men in the intelligence community (globally) needed jobs and they created the SHADOW CIA. What Carter did affected people all over the world for they were contractors of the ousted CIA.  That is WHY a Shadow CIA was east to start. What a better leader than the respected Henry Kissinger.  The groups mission in the beginning it was "pure" and that was to help create a better society along with some economic windfalls.  FYI- My family NEVER profiteered from war.  That is WHY I need a job. In 2009 I was offered money by NISSAN to be silent on these issues and I did not take it because it came with strings attached that included me doing something illegal which I REFUSED to do.  Oddly the Williamson County DA in Tennessee who has probably read my blog knew this and has NEVER asked for details.  I did tell Bruce Bateman this and he NEVER asked for details.  The people in Tennessee know NISSAN is corrupt and they elected officials do NOTHING.  Kind-of like the global politicians and the "lack of ethics" is destroying the world. 

Basically the people fired by Carter became contractors that got government money (they made much more money then they ever would had they stayed at the CIA). 

Fun fact -  Some of them worked with those that created Blackwater.  It was someone connected to Blackwater that communicated to me the 3 men accused of being spies at Renault in 2011 were innocent.  They did NOT want to see 3 innocent men have their lives destroyed.  Nicolas Sarkozy had crossed the line in the eyes of many associated with the "club".  Maybe that is WHY I got the information needed to "save them"  

It was also communicated to me in a cryptic way that some CIA contractors knew where Bin Laden was but kept silent, they did not want the wars to end. Can this be investigated?   Lets ask Henry Kissinger about that? My hope is that it's NOT true. But after being jailed 3 times on "trumped up" charges nothing surprises me. 

FYI-  I do NOT believe that George Bush knew of that information.  It was relayed to me the he let his VP handle that kind of stuff.  Still he was President.  The fact is President Obama is the person that the Kissinger(ites) wanted to become President.  He's the one that American mainstream media especially Gannett pushed in early primary states in 2008. Many believe that the "efforts" in Iowa are WHY President Obama became the nominee.  

Recently if was announced the CEO of Gannett Gracia Martore is getting a 46 million dollar termination bonus "if" fired and her husband is a CEO of a top DOD contractor for the Army.  People in the Army HATED Hillary Clinton.  Too many defense cuts under the Clinton Administration.  The fact is President Obama did NOT take the kind of knife to defense that Bill Clinton did.  PLEASE someone investigate.  Tony Blair would have known the things that I'm alleging in this email.  He has not stayed out of the political limelight like "W" instead he has become VERY wealthy.

Thank you to the Obama administration for finally getting rid of Bin Laden.  Great timing- after the mid term elections. 

Tim Geithner a follower of Mr. Kissinger allowed for the Federal Financing Bank to fund electric car projects. That bank was NEVER intended for financing risky foreign projects. Especially ones done with "outdated" technology by companies that do business in IRAN.  

I Sharyn Bovat have said for over  years that the EV is a "False Flag Operation" to keep America dependent on the Middle East.   Carlos Ghosn's promoting an EV that really cost double it sells for created with "outdated" battery technology is a disaster.  Still government agencies fund this.  Why?

An audit needs to be done of ALL the Federal Financing Bank investments and HOW they were approved.

How did America fund a foreign company NISSAN that's owned by the French and Japanese through a bank set up to support our veterans and schools?  Why did Tim Geithner (a Henry Kissinger protege) allow it to happen?

Andrew Breitbart was "on the verge" of exposing stories connected to the this and I would like investigations to happen in reference to his death.  I could be wrong BUT too many people that I knew in the past had "early" deaths.  I Sharyn Bovat want to live a LONG life. That is WHY I have to blog.  People know this.  

Added info: It's known that Margaret Thatcher was part of Kissinger's group that originally was created for the "greater good"... now it's the "greedy"....  I'm NOT saying that Tim Geithner is a bad person it's just that he's a Kissinger follower and I'm mad that he did NOT did do the due diligence needed to protect the American taxpayer.  Why did the Dept. of Energy allow for an Obama bundler to review the Nissan loan?  To be fair to Geithner his predecessor Paulson whose starting a "think tank" might have done the "same" thing. Because Paulson and Geithner are in the "same" family.  Both Geithner and Paulson helped lead America into BIG TIME DEBT.   

FYI- I'm not saying that President Obama is corrupt- I believe that if he  aware of the "few" rogue profiteers connected to the Shadow CIA that helped get him elected then maybe he can be pressured to do what's right for society & "clean up the mess".  

Americans in BOTH parties need to tell him to "clean up the mess" and to create a longterm energy plan that is REALISTIC. 

In reference to the people in the UK PLEASE tell Tony Blair to "chill"  take time off.  His era is OVER.  It's time he and Nicolas Sarkozy took up golf.  Hey - if they both practice they can join President Obama on the Celebrity Golf circuit.  I learned when helping out golf tournaments in Pebble Beach that it's an enjoyable way for people that are used to the limelight have a little attention & at the same time help out worth while charities.  

"....In the most startling extract from the cables, which have yet to appear on the WikiLeaks website and appear in Le Monde in French translation, the US ambassador writes in 2006 that Sarkozy might send French troops to Iraq. "Sarkozy declared that France and the international community would have to help the United States resolve the situation in Iraq. Perhaps by replacing the American army with an international force,...."

Since I like pizza & have NOT heard from the CIA on the Leadership analyst role I think I'm going to apply to David Axelrod's NEW think tank in Chicago. He says it's bi-partisan.  Sometime you can't make change in society UNLESS your willing to fight on the "front line"  I hope I get the job  I hear that liberals let their staffs stay at "fancy" hotels. 

"Axelrod’s neighbor’s home is not quite complete yet. Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will set up offices for his new institute soon at 5711 S. Woodlawn Ave. The Paulson Institute is also nonpartisan and focuses on economic and environmental issues, particularly in China...."

Read more:

America & Canada should be the ones to "export" oil to the UK. If we do the XL pipeline, off shore drilling and other projects they can be done safely and we'll have control of our geo political destiny.      Al Gore was used as the "poster boy" to have the projects funded.  Al Gore is NOT evil BUT once he found out he was used he "cashed in"... I hope Mr. Gore uses his Al Jazeera money to create a better society.  I believe that Richard Branson has been a profiteer and so has Bill Gates & Warren Buffet but I do not think the are "evil twisted people.  I'm grateful that those men who have profited are "giving back" to society and I hope they will be role models.  

OK I'm rambling.  Bottom line... a movie is being made about Jim Swire who has "fought" for the Lockerbie Truth to be told and I found out WHOSE financing the endeavor.  Then I talked to my friend Silverman and told him the company that did blockbuster movies would not do this movie without "insider" info. & he did NOT argue with me.  
Looks like the Obama Administration is letting the truth be exposed.  If that happen then his commitment made to America for transparency will be achieved.  Advice to the GOP.  Expose the Truth NOW that way the war profiteering shenanigans won't impact the 2014 Senate elections.  People want to vote for a candidate who belongs to a party they TRUST.  If the EV/Energy Tim Geithner approve fraud is exposed Americans won't trust President Obama and his budget plan.  

"....Obama wants to hike the Energy Department's vehicle research budget by 75 percent to $575 million and create a $2 billion trust fund to fund more research into getting the country off foreign oil over the next 10 years..."  from an email I received today.

  1. Lockerbie campaigner's efforts to find truth made into a movie

    Herald Scotland-11 hours ago
    LOCKERBIE campaigner Dr Jim Swire's efforts to achieve justice for his ... STORY: Jim Swire has led the campaign for truth on Lockerbie since ...
  2. Amber, Forecast Setting Up Lockerbie Movie (EXCLUSIVE)

    Variety-Apr 10, 2013
    Amber Entertainment and Forecast Pictures are developing a feature based on Dr. Jim Swire (pictured above), whose daughter perished in the ...
Please communicate to President Obama and the UK Prime Minister it's time for RESPECT of All People.  That includes those people in the Middle East & lets give them the opportunity to grow other industries. 

I told Mark today the BEST way to resolve the Lockerbie issue is to have the United Nations retry Megrahi in absentia.  Does anyone know what my former neighbor Louise Arbour is up to?  She did a good job with the Milosevic trial.  She would create a courtroom that could show the world HOW a democracy should conduct a trial.  Maybe the people in Tennessee "might learn something".... It's about time corrupt courts got a lesson in HUMANITY.   

Have a Great Weekend.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <>
Subject: Voice of a GOP Moderate & Former Cold War Researcher Sharyn Bovat Request Fellowship Position.
Date: April 12, 2013 1:04:02 PM CDT
Cc: Sharyn Bovat <>


My name is Sharyn Bovat and I'm AKA the NISSAN Whistleblower.
Please read my resume.  I think my life of experiences will help educate
the next generation. Also I'd like to attend law school while working so this
opportunity is a "win win."

Thank you,

Sharyn Bovat

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